Seduced by Home Love and Kobo

Saturday, May 22, 2010

I had to leave the house today whilst it was open for inspection (so sick of cleaning my house) so I popped into town and did a little time wasting at Borders. I was seduced by 2 things.

The first was finding out about Megan Morton who also has a great blog and has released a fabulous book called Home Love: 100 Inspiring Ideas For Creating Beautiful Rooms. I sunk into the couch at Borders and devoured every page. Love everything about it, makes me want to totally have a do over of my current style.

The second item which I have totally poo poo'ed in the past when I have seen the amazon version was the Kobo e reader. I have to say right now that I love books, always have and always will. I dream of my big light filled library that I will have in my newly styled home. It will be filled from floor to ceiling with books of all types. I like the feel of the pages and even the smell of a book both old and new.

BUT I am also the gadget queen, I am permanently attached to my iphone and my lap top is open before my eyes are every day so it seems only normal to be seduced by the lovely shiny Kobo e reader. It comes loaded with 100 books, I can take it everywhere and when I am caught out with some time to kill, out it comes, the trusty Kobo.

Would love to know peoples thoughts, does anyone have one? does anyone have kindle?know anyone who has one? feedback please.

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