
Let me introduce you to some more stallholders

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Time is running out with only 8 days till Market Day so here are a few of my fabulous new stallholders.

Auntie Francie

“Auntie Francie” loves vintage materials -they add a character and charm to the range that new materials cannot match. Sourcing the linens, buttons and scarves is a constant treasure hunt and discovering a quirky linen or buttons and then giving them a new life as a unique cushion or a whimsical piece of jewellery is a great thrill! The use of crochet, sewing and knitting harks back to the days when we were taught these skills by our relatives such as mum, auntie or grandma – they add value to the product- it is handmade- not a throw away item rather something to keep and enjoy.

Benuu Enterprises

Benuu produce socially and environmentally responsible products and return a percentage of sales to their chosen charities. The inaugural range has two products: beautiful bamboo inspirational plaques and a series of inspirational greeting cards. They have designs in the pipeline for a journal, tote bag, inspirational tokens and pendant.

The designs embody and reflect the Benuu Spirit which is based on the legend of the Phoenix and shares the courage, strength, resilience, hope, wisdom and passion that we need to reach our potential in this modern world.

Run Around the Garden

Sally has two jewellery lines. One is made with silver, wood and resin and the other is paper, wood and resin. She creates each piece by hand. The silver and wood are cut individually by hand and the paper images are sourced from different areas. Some are designed by a member of her family, some are from decoupage paper and some are from different cool images

The pics below are from the paper, wood and resin range.

I am looking forward to seeing all that these wonderful artists will have on the day.

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