
Op Shops and Garage Sales

Not only do I love Markets but I am partial to a good garage sale and finding a great op sho . There is nothing quite like the thrill of a fantastic find especially at a bargain price. Someone Else's trash is most definitely always another persons treasure.

My wonderful Mum is an excellent finder of awesome things. I put her on the hunt for some great vintage material and voila she arrived with some truly amazing finds.

and look how great they go with the vintage stash I am collecting for my next quilt which will either be for me or for the girls. Very happy with that lovely piece of blue chenille I found at Philip Island over the holidays.

For the huge price of $1.00 I picked up this tray that I have attached to my wall with blu tac. It makes me smile.

Toy Story 3 (?) had a troll in it and my kids thought it was hilarious so look what I found as well as a couple of other cute dolls I could not pass up.

Has anyone had any great op shop bargains recently?