I did it!!!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011How are you all coping with these ridiculously cold mornings?
School drop offs are not tickling my fancy at the moment......brrrrr!!!!
I hope everyone's Mothers Day was beautiful.
Three months ago I started an amazing 12 week body transformation program with Michelle Bridges from the Biggest Loser. Prior to beginning we had to set a 12 week goal and mine was to run 4km in the Mothers Day Classic. HUGE goal for me as I could barely run 1 km without having a coronary. With Michelle's training and my commitment I DID IT!!!! My BFF Peggy had the same goal and we ran together. We finished holding hands and a bit teary with emotions. The 12 weeks became less about losing weight and more about achieving that goal. So I am blowing my own trumpet and saying I ROCK!!!! I know I can do anything I set my mind to now.

Since posting this I have had a few people ask me what I thought about the 12wbt so I thought I would add to the post. I LOVED it!!!!! It is hands down the best thing I have done in terms of signing up for weight loss. You honestly feel like Mish is your personal trainer and she is with you every step of the way. You get shopping lists, full weekly menu plans and an exercise program that caters for beginners, intermediate and advanced for home, gym or outdoors. It is a no excuses program which is what I loved. Michelle's favorite saying is JFDI (just f***ing do it.
On the school holidays I was at Mt Buller and I had to exercise so I went out in the freezing sleet and ran up and down hills and thought Wow I am JFingDI. That is what Michelle has taught me.
If you are even remotely thinking about it and want to make positive changes, just throw caution to the wind, sign up and you will never regret it...I promise.
Happy to answer questions below.