Our New Halloween Tradition
In my previous post I mentioned that this year the Pako retailers did not get on board with the Trick or Treating so Peg and I decided to create our own. We came up with the tags that we popped in all the mail boxes with ribbons and hoped for the best.
We were so pleased with the street's response and the kids had a blast and they all thought it was better than Pako. Yeh!!!!! The lesson learned is....What do you do when life gives you lemons? You make lemonade.
We had one guy dress his house in cobwebs and answer the door with a mask on and a smoking cauldron that the kids had to put their hands in to grab a mystery treat. One lovely lady made gorgeous decorated cupcakes.
So we hope we have started a long standing tradition that will get bigger and better every year. I hear people poo poo Halloween and wish it stayed in America. It did not originate in America, you can read up on the history here. I am so glad that there are people who LOVE having it here. It is such fun for the kids to dress up and roam the streets passing other kids and getting to know their neighbors. Pure Childhood Fun.
Once again my kids start the 365 day countdown till next year.
soooo fun! looking forward to even bigger participaton next year... we will set the standard high!