Before and After TV Cabinet Makeover

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Some of you know how much I love a makeover and if I had more hours in the day I would be making over everything and anything I could get my hands on. I did this craft cabinet last year and my filing cabinet a few years back. So my latest project was a new TV cabinet, I was watching a lot of Sarah's House and she loves to Two Pac everything. It is the same process that is used for kitchen cabinets making it super durable and glossy. I bought this cabinet for $40 on ebay and then hunted down a two pac guy in Geelong.

The next thing was deciding on a colour which was agonising. My heart was telling me it wanted bright yellow and my head was trying to fight it, in the end my heart won and I am so glad because I LOVE the result. It has changed the whole feel of the room. I have had to add a few yellow decorative items to tie it all in which has been fun. So bright and cheery in these cooler months. I wasn't going to post it until I had knobs for the drawers but I am being super slow on making a decision and it could be a while. So what do you think?

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