
Another Piccadilly Market done and dusted

What an awesome day it was on Sunday. The night before each event is always a nervous one, wondering if this is the time that no one will show up but you never fail to disappoint me and turned up in droves. It was so busy for most of the day but i did manage to get a spot of shopping in and every time I am blown away by the quality and creativity of all the stall holders.

As this event grows there are more and more people that work the day to make it all happen so I want to thank my awesome team who do such a great job that I am left to do what I do best and that is run the show. Special thanks to Bess who manages to jump into my head and know what needs to be done.

A huge thank you to the amazing Gordon Institute Girls who came up with the dream catcher concept for their work placement. They made each and every one and it looked amazing.

The Craft Classes were introduced and had a great response, we hope to be able to run lots of fun and interesting classes at future events.

I came across an amazing organisation in January The Hunger Project who I am so proud to now be supporting through Piccadilly. I sincerely thank everyone who made a donation because we managed to raise $2132 and I cant begin to tell you how proud it makes me. Last year 73 cents of every dollar made it on the ground and this year its looking like 80 cents. Being a part of ending world poverty and hunger is an amazing thing. My goal is to raise $5000 by the end of the year and have even larger goals next year. If anyone would like to donate anything you can do so through this link.

The next Piccadilly is on Sunday 25th November but be sure to check out our new venture Three Little Birds on Saturday 1st September.

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