Tell us a little about yourself?
I'm convinced I was born in the wrong era! I enjoy nothing more than baking cakes & bickies, sitting down with a friend, having a chat over a nice cup of tea and crocheting into the wee hours (I'm quite the night owl). My husband and I recently moved to Geelong for a sea change along with our mischievous cat Milky Joe. Welcome to Geelong
How did you come up with your business name?
Mrs. Thompson was my Mother's imaginary friend when she was a little girl. Dressed in her prettiest party frock with flowers in hand and her best doily hat, Mum would sit down in Mrs. Thompson's comfy, cosy lounge room for a spot of her finest tea. Love this story
Tell us how your product/range came about?
I had started giving my crocheted scarves, slippers & cushions as gifts to friends and, before knowing I had made them, they would often say how they thought I had purchased them at a I thought, why not sell them myself!? Ultimately I want to create products that I enjoy making and like to have in my own home.
How long have you been in business for?
Tea with Mrs. Thompson is a new venture of mine, freshly baked in July this year.
What inspires you?
My Great Grandmothers crafts that I have held onto, vintage craft books and my talented friends.
Have you always been ‘crafty’ or has it bloomed later in life?
Ever since I was a little girl my two hands have never been idle. I'll never forget my first trip to Spotlight with Mum! I bought a whole bunch of pom-poms from the big tubs they used to have there and made toys that my brother and I would play with for hours.
What is something cool that most people wouldn’t know about you?
My husband just bought me a Ukelele for my Birthday! I'm teaching myself to play Pumped up Kicks by Foster the People. Loving your style
If money was no object what would be your dream destination?
I'd have to say a road trip from New York to Los Angeles, with a pit stop at Harry Potter World and Las Vegas so I could recommit my vows in front of Elvis.
What are you reading right now?
Dreams and the Search for Meaning by Peter O'Connor
What is your favourite website(s)?
I can't get enough of Pinterest at the moment...I'm obsessed, Apartment Therapy and The Sartorialist.
What is on your Christmas wishlist?
A weeping pink bottlebrush to plant in my new garden. I hope you get it
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