
In the Spotlight: LimeDaisy Design

Today I would like to introduce to Aileen from LimeDaisy Design who has a range of cool products, what are super cool are her lockets which are now available for adults as well as children. She will be at the next Piccadilly Design Market in Geelong on the 27th April.

Tell us a little about yourself?
I’m a Canadian who backpacked around Australia and met a lovely Australian who I moved across the world for.  We now have two beautiful children and each run our own businesses.

How did you come up with your business name?
15 years ago I needed an email address and AOL kindly suggested to use your favourite colour or flower – so LimeDaisy it was!

Tell us how your product/range came about?
My products have evolved from holding home crafting parties where we painted glass and made flavoured vodkas to items that are more fitting to Mums and Children.  As my children have grown, so has my range and I find each year as they get older I think of new things I want to make for their friends and for my friends. Now I have a range for adults with my LimeDaisy Lockets with charms that you can choose to create the perfect story.

How long have you been in business for?
 Unofficially for more than 20 years, Officially in Australia for 5 years.

What inspires you?
Bright colours, thinking of the person who I would like to give the gift to.

Have you always been ‘crafty’ or has it bloomed later in life?
Always been crafty.  I grew up with a very clever Mum who could whip up a fancy costume if you told her at bedtime that you had a dress up day tomorrow! It would be sitting waiting for you in the morning. I remember sitting at the table painting while she made dinner.

What is something cool that most people wouldn’t know about you?
I was a Highland Dancer and played the Bagpipes for the Vancouver Ladies Pipe Band.

If money was no object what would be your dream destination?
Always a trip back to Canada to see my family – with a stay in Hawaii.

What are you reading right now?
Oh...tough one.  Doing online reading, enjoying my cousins blog about her journey to become a marathon the Scotland!

What is your favourite website(s) ?        
 Anything current events and news related.  Now that I work from home I like to be sure to know what is going on in the world around me.

Have you ever met anyone famous?
Shook the Queens hand as a child, a few Governor General’s from Commonwealth countries during Expo in Vancouver.

Dont miss her at Piccadilly Design Market in Geelong on the 27th April

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