Piccadilly Stallholders Workshop
Thursday, June 09, 2016Would you like to maximise your market experience?
I am very excited about my first Piccadilly Stallholders Workshop
- Are you an a amazing creator but need help with the business side?
- Are you new to the market scene wanting to make a splash and get it right from the beginning?
- Are you a regular needing to take your business to the next level?
- Are you confident in your product but not making the sales you would like to?
- Is your business needing a brand makeover?
- Would you like to know how to use social media to grow your brand and ultimately your sales?
- Are you wanting to make sure you are not over or under salesy to your potential customers.
- Does your stall set up need a revamp ?
If you are nodding or answering yes to any of the above then this is the workshop for you.
A fun, informative session where you will get expert advice from people within the industry and leave with a list of actionable items.
Open to anyone not just Piccadilly stallholders
For more information head over to Eventbrite